The wait is over, the cabin remodel is complete. Unfortunately, my friend was not able to saw my siding so I purchased from a local mill, roughsawn lap siding. I am very satisfied with the results. Below are a few pictures of the project. Complete details and photos will be available this fall when I publish volume 2.
Besides the cabin project, my days have been filled with other things. I built a White Birch fence around the entire cabin from downed or dead trees. I have reconstructed my paths to the cabin and have added more rock borders along the paths. I cleared a few trees to allow more sunlight to the cabin area. Of course I planted more flowers and also planted some pines as well. I built an out house attached to the water tower. I have maintained the miles of walking trails and have continued my research of the "Realm".
As John Burroughs said," If you wait, nature will come to you." This is so true. I have my usuals. Mama Doe is still around. So are her young, though, she has sent them on their way and shuns them when they get close. There are many squirrels and at night the raccoons come around to have a bite if there is anything available. I have a pesky young bear who I call "Little Smoky" who hangs around constantly although I try to convince him not to hang around.
Much of my enjoyment comes from the chipmunks. Their ranks have grown to thirteen! I cleared a small area where I feed them sunflower seeds. I call this area "The Arena" They are my little gladiators What a show they put on, I watch them for hours. Sometimes they get a little rough.
I have taken hundreds of photographs of wildlife and flora and fauna which will be detailed and classified in this falls book.We have been fortunate to have more rain so far and that is good. I am having the time of my life here in the "Realm" Enjoy the pics. More to come. Thanks for looking. Click on any pics to enlarge.