March was unseasonably warm and sunny although we could have used more moisture. Our ground water is now more than three feet below normal, the forest is very dry. Lakes are low.
3/09/2010. Sunny, breezy and 45 degrees. We still have some snow on the ground. I saw a Fisher during daylight hours and got a couple of pictures though not close before it left the area. I took a couple of pictures of its tracks in the snow but they are difficult to make out.
Saw my first Chipmunk of the season, I am not sure if it was Theodore but I have my hopes that that is who it was, later confirmed by the burrow in which he went in. Good to see he survived the winter, though he should have, not lacking food as he stashed many pounds of sunflower seeds I provided. I also observed several Chickadees, a Nut Hatch and a Downy Woodpecker. A single Crow also stopped by to investigate.
3/14 Sunny, 60 degrees, very light wind. Amazing how much snow has disappeared in a week. Observed Chipmunks, a Red Squirrel, Nuthatches and Chickadees and a Hairy Woodpecker. Did some work around the cabin.
3/15 Beautiful, sunny and 60 degrees. Drove in for the first time this year. A bit muddy. I removed a window, framed in and insulated providing much needed room for new book shelves inside.
3/17 Nice 55 degrees. Muddy road. Built book shelves and observed many small flying insects that I did not identify.
3/20 Very muddy not driving back in until it is drier. Deer have been around as corn is gone from the feeder. As many as four Chipmunks around all battling for space, or is it a mating ritual?
3/22 Sunny 55 degrees. Walked in. Fed Chipmunks some seeds, Theodore ate at my feet. Photos of various scat along the trails. Woodpeckers. Snow mostly gone. Spent a couple of hours walking the trails. Finally got my spotting scope and tripod, yeah!3/30 Nice and warm. Built more Birch fencing. Moved water tank location. Noticed Lilies and other spring flowers popping through the ground.
New Squirrels nest
Swamp pools from the runoff
3/31 Another great day weather wise but getting drier. Able to drive in again. Tree Frogs are peeping in the swamps. Got a picture of a Leopard Frog. Saw a pair of Mallards.